Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy New Year and all that jazz :)

It's Wednesday morning and it's about 42 hours since we got home on Monday from Finland. I'm just about managing to keep up with what day of the week it is, and I'm quite pleased that we remembered to put the bins out this morning. The bags are all unpacked, the house is tidyish and some of the washing has been done. The Christmas tree and decorations are down and in a pile in the attic waiting to be sorted out and put away, the chocolate and biscuit pile isn't really getting much smaller, Stephen is back to work and life is slowly returning to normal.

I wonder what this year will bring. I hope that I make new friends here, that I can be so part of their lives that I can challenge and encourage them for the best; I hope that we will have children of our own this year, and I hope to see my new nephew soon! I'm humbled that my brother has asked me and Stephen to be Godparents to his new baby, and I hope that we have the opportunity to fulfil the duty that it offers. I'm grateful that in all this God reigns and I hope that I have the wisdom to see when God's way is different from my ideas - and the grace to accept it and get on with it!

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