Wednesday, January 23, 2008

All drugged up and feeling... a bit numb actually

Came down with a cold last night. Thankfully it had the grace to wait until I was asleep before assaulting me, so I was able to finish the marmalade off while still feeling ok. Had to buy 8 more jam jars this morning though, as I'd managed to completely by-pass the whole process of thinking and had only bought 6 half-pint jam jars to fit the fruit, sugar, and 5 pints of water into. This was at the same time as buying a bigger saucepan because my biggest pan wasn't big enough. "Ooh yes, 6 will do...."

This morning I woke up feeling very sorry for myself. I'm paying for all the hard work I did yesterday at the gym, and that, coupled with generally being poorly, is combining to make today
rather painful. I am now all drugged up on paracetamol and vitamin C (I've just had the first spoonfuls of homemade marmalade!) and feeling odd. That strange feeling of fake-chirpiness, combining the slightly crazed look in the eyes from the temperature, the numbness from the painkillers, and the effort from having to breathe through my mouth whilst trying not to choke on the toast at the same time.

Good things though. Went to see the lovely physiotherapist this morning, and she was delighted with the response my shoulders are making already. Got another exercise to add to the list, and I'm also having to re-learn good posture again - shouldn't be too hard (she says) as I've already learnt it several times before, and so it's just a case of reinforcing what I already know.

Roll on tomorrow...

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