Monday, January 21, 2008

Contracts signed, so here's to the 31st...

Got back from Manchester yesterday after an emotional and traumatic day finalising the house sale: checked out the house to make sure it was still ok only to discover that the back door key was missing (can only presume it was the estate agents, as they'd left the shed keys and the gate key on the keyring) so we couldn't get through to the back garden easily to get rid of the last of the rubbish. And the alarm panel wasn't working properly - the numbers for the alarm code we've used don't work any more, feels like somebody's been using the end of a ball-point pen to push the buttons so they're really hard to push now. Wasn't like that when we left it. Bit annoyed about that.

BUT. The contracts have been signed, got a fax today confirming the completion date and the amount, so we'll be off to the bank this week to see if we can get a very very very short-term loan so that we can buy a car. A car!! Our own car, that will hopefully not break and die within two months of owning it, that will enable us to get around and about.

And all that about today being the most depressing day of the year? Well my advice is to have a nice long bath, preferably the candlelit kind, with yummy bath salts or a bath bomb or something equally delicious, get all clean and put something nice on. Worked a treat for me today anyway.

Pizza's in the oven, husband's poorly on the sofa, and I'm not looking forward to my gym session tomorrow. I feel so guilty that I've not done anything for the past two weeks - I'm really going to try and do better this week. It's just the weather... it's just not conducive to me going out running...

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