Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Genius. Fat-Free, but Genius nonetheless.

Keeta is responsible for this. And a couple of others. But mainly Keeta. Following on from reading her post on boredom and IQ I noticed someone had added the IQ Test application on Facebook so, out of boredom and as the rain was indeed hurling itself at my windows (although that really has very little to do with it) I decided to test my IQ. Not expecting much, reckoned I would be about average, I was a little surprised to get a result of 139 (completed in 10 minutes, 27 out of 30 correct). Borderline genius. (Genius is 140+.) Hmm, I wondered, was this facebook effort to be believed? So. Enter www.iqtest.com. The home of the original online IQ test. Hmm, I thought, maybe this will be more accurate.


I am a Genius.

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