Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Downhill all the way...?

Some years ago my grandma started to lose her mind. It started with little things. Mum would do her shopping, and grandma would always ask for the same things. Mum got a little suspicious, thinking that grandma was eating a lot of cereal every week, and discovered boxes and boxes of unopened cereal. And all sorts of things turning green in the fridge. It got worse, as it generally does. There was the forgetting how to use the kettle and using a pan on the hob instead, there was the forgetting to turn the grill off. There was the stuffing and hiding of biscuits into her handbag, and losing keys because she'd taken them out and put them back somewhere else. Now grandma is in a home and mum says that every time she visits she doesn't know how the visit is going to end. It all depends on how frightened grandma gets that she can't remember things. It must be awful, knowing that you can't remember things. Not being able to remember where you live, or why you don't live at home anymore.

Sometimes I do silly things and it brings grandma back to mind. Like locking myself out of the house, or going to the wrong shop. Today it was eggs. I always need eggs. So I bought some more and now I've just had to rearrange the cupboard to fit the box in next to the other 2 boxes of eggs I already have. I forget what I'm doing, or why I'm doing something, and am so easily distracted that I leave half-finished tasks all over the place. I occasionally remember to drink the cup of tea that I've spent most of the morning trying to make (filter water, boil water, add water to teapot, remember teabag, brew, pour, milk, drink. So many places for distraction to leave the job half done...).

I hope it gets better before it gets worse.

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