Friday, September 14, 2007

A Tight Fit

Feeling pleased this morning. Steve and I got the slipcover onto the sofabed in the attic last night - what an ordeal!! Don't think that'll be coming off often, only to wash. We gave Steve's mum and dad the old white sofa for them to put in one of the rooms at church, complete with slipcover. My goodness by Ikea make things a tight fit. They took it off to wash it (not quite so hard to get the thing off) and mum said she thought she was going to break a finger trying to get the thing back on again! Hmmm, we said, yes..... it did take two of us to get it back on as well, and we didn't do it that often simply because it was SUCH an effort....

Anyway. I started putting the slipcover on by myself yesterday morning, and by lunchtime I'd given up. I decided that it would probably be easier to try and put the cover on while the mattress was still in the attic, rather than try and get the mattress downstairs by myself. Steve agreed so at least I felt better about that. Managed to burn all my knuckles though, trying to pull extra inches out of the fabric so that it would fit properly! Ah well. Done now. The attic was then tidied!! We put boxes away, created more space, swept all the sawdust up - tidy!! At least, it was tidy, until I put the washing up there and 3 bags full of single duvets and spare pillows. Not really sure why we have one double duvet, and 3 single duvets.

Think the attic is going to be the escape room. The den, to escape to when everything just gets a bit too much. It's quite chilled up there (and warm and cosy because the sun heats the room up rather well), relaxed. Very informal, unlike the front room which feels like it's on show most of the day (we SO need to get blinds or something) and needs to look good. Not that the attic doesn't look good, it just looks a lot more informal... like a normal-use living room, rather than the parlour.

Ok... today.... shopping, banana bread, look at short shelves at B&Q, drive into London. Yay!

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