Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Nip in the Air

Now what was it that I was going to write.... I thought of something, and by the time the computer had powered up and I'd checked facebook I've completely forgotten what it was.

Tell you what though, it's definitely Autumn now. There's a nip in the air which continues much later into the mornings, and the shadows are cold now, rather than providing respite from the sunshine. Might be time soon to put the sandals away and start wearing slippers indoors, and proper shoes outdoors...

We went to Worthing on Monday evening, I was too sick to even pretend to try to cook anything for tea, so we decided to wrap up and go to Worthing and buy fish and chips and sit out on the pier in the evening sunshine. There's a really good fish and chip shop in Worthing, right next door to a fish and chip restaurant.... popular too, somehow we managed to get there just before the queue started spilling out onto the street. The sea was so calm, I can't remember the last time I saw such a calm and peaceful sea; the sun was low in the sky, shimmering over the exposed sand. So beautiful. Just what we needed - a 20 minute holiday.

Not too much work lined up for me today. I've had a really painful stiff neck for a few days now, and Steve thinks I've managed to strain a muscle lifting things that are actually too heavy for me to lift with a dodgy shoulder, so I'm on the painkillers and only light work while that sorts itself out. Still, there's plenty to do. I'm determined that all the boxes that are currently here from the last trip are emptied or at least sorted out before I go to Manchester on Sunday, so that when I get home on Tuesday the stuff I bring with me actually has a chance of being sorted out instead of just being added to the list of things to do.


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