Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Looking Good

When I was a kid and had a nasty cold (or whatever reason it was that I was dragged along to the doctors) I remember sitting in the waiting room trying my best to look ill because I was convinced that if you were sick, you should look it! But sitting in the waiting room this morning, trying not to nod off, it occurred to me that quite a lot of people who are really sick don't look it. Jane Tomlinson, for example. If she could do what she managed, being that sick, then I really don't have any room to complain about a cold stopping me.

The only reason I keep going to the doctors is so they can keep an eye on me and the diabetes. The diabetic nurse this morning is convinced that although I'm non-insulin dependent, which is now classed as Type 2, I'm actually a Type 1 but taking my time about it. (Harks back nearly 27 year. Apparently I really took my time about being born. Made them wait until the next day, I was so reluctant. Apparently.) The fact that I'm now on 3mg Glimepiride means that I'm ever so slightly closer to being on insulin anyway, so not to worry about going on to insulin for pregnancy preparation. She's going to be keeping an eye on me anyway. Which I guess is nice, really. She kept me talking nearly 50 minutes - I'm one of her more "interesting" patients: I think that means that I don't fit nicely into any boxes!

I did a second glucose test just now and it's still really high, that's about an hour and a half after lunch - sandwiches with a non-sugary filling, and a glass of no added sugar juice. Nothing in there to make my glucose levels go that high, but I'm not going to start worrying yet. I suppose this is a good incentive to start testing my sugars more often!

More blood tests next week, and a referral to one of the clinics at Worthing Hospital to get me started on insulin. It would happen to a needlephobe. Wonder what the correct term for that is...

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