Friday, August 22, 2008

Memories :)

Was trying to think of a "pie tune" for Stuart Maconie as he sat in for Chris Evans this week on the R2 drivetime show and I think Steve had reminded me of Joe Satriani the previous day so he was on my mind. Decided to see if I could find an MP3 of "friends" on the internet to see if it sounded like I remember. Can you believe I've not listened to it for over seven years!

I walked up the aisle to this tune. What memories listening to it again brought flooding back, to such an extent that I have had to buy the album it is on, and it has just arrived in the post. I am currently thoroughly enjoying listening to it playing lovely and loud in the cottage. The CD will be on full blast in the car tomorrow as we travel to South Wales for our holiday. What bliss!

Here's the tune. Enjoy.

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