Saturday, August 02, 2008

Wonder of wonders.

I think I've started getting that nesting feeling.

I've been thinking about this whole "nesting" malarky quite a bit over the past few weeks, Ste and I had a chuckle the other week when someone at work asked him if I'd started nesting - Steve's response was that he didn't think nesting was really in my vocabulary! We joked that I was more likely to misplace the baby in a pile of washing or leave it at the post office by accident or something.

But actually, over the last week or so, I've been getting itchy to prepare things. I'm not the most organised or tidy of people - I have to be given a bump-start normally. We have "tidy" days where we both attack the house, and over the next few weeks it starts off with me keeping on top of things and then the levels of tidyness start slipping gradually again... but recently I've found myself getting really annoyed with the general level of clutter and binning things, taking old clothes (finally) to the charity shop, buying new sheets for the bedroom, measuring what space we have and where we might fit anything to do with baby in, looking at baby furniture, considering, thinking....

It might be to do with the fact that baby is really making its presence known at the moment so I'm not really given a chance to not think about it. And I have fits and starts of extreme activity (extreme by comparison to the rest of this pregnancy so far) in between the extreme shatteredness (own fault, should learn to pace myself!).

Slowly but surely, the house is being reorganised in order to accommodate a new tiny person. Half the time it's not even a conscious thing: we just decide something would be better placed somewhere else, and realise that the space recently vacated is now useful.

So perhaps, just perhaps, nesting is finding its way into my vocabulary.

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