Thursday, August 21, 2008

Singin' and a playin'

I played piano / led worship at small group last night. I think it's the first time I have EVER led by actually playing an instrument rather than selecting some songs off a CD to sing along to. I spent all day (well, apart from sleeping for an hour and a half in the morning when I realised my eyes were actually closing of their own accord) practising and trying to decide which songs to play. I think I might actually be getting better at playing and singing at the same time. I never used to be any good at that, I'm not particularly good at multitasking. Too much information and too little RAM in my brain to hold it all at the same time.

But incredibly I didn't make many mistakes (well, too many) and we have even left the keyboard at our friends' house so she can have a play of it while we're on holiday next week. They are thinking of getting the same keyboard so having a play and getting an idea of how enormous it is will be a good thing.

As we took it round to theirs, we needed to buy a roof-rack for the boy-racer. Roof-racks on boy-racers look silly. But now it's all there - I have keyboard, custom full-flight case, and roof rack - have keyboard, will travel.

Now... off to do housework and get some photos off the cameras and have a bath and then it's off to work for my one afternoon per week of sociability.

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