Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Yay I got into the choir!!! So this is where I'll be sitting, one day........

Inside the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

As you might have noticed, I had my audition last night. How scary was that. Yesterday morning my body decided it was going to get a cold, and by the evening I was feeling a bit flushed. But I managed my audition piece, and managed the vocal exercises, but then it was on to the sightreading. I am soooo out of practice. I couldn't remember how to get from one note to the next, I used to know how much I needed to go to get from for example a C to an F, it's not that hard. Maybe it was the cold, affecting my thinking. Whatever. It was hard.

But I just got a call from Jamie Burton, the Choral Director, saying I've been accepted into the choir!! oh, not, it was, would you like to accept a position in the Halle Choir, in Alto 2 section! Hurrah!!!!

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