Thursday, September 23, 2010


I had the worst headache I've had for nearly 2 years yesterday and today. At least, it felt that way. So we had a cbeebies day, while I mustered up the energy to clear the mountain of junk off the kitchen table in order to do the painting with Ben that I have been promising him for weeks and weeks.

We've not done any proper painting together since June, I think. I have way too many photographs on iPhoto to trawl through them to find out exactly when it was. The big picture in yesterday's blog is dated 18th April, and I don't think we've done too much since then.


So it's been a while since we did any painting. Possibly around 5 months or so, not including a very supervised effort at my parents' house over the summer.

The only way I could get Ben to look at the camera was to ask him to show me his tongue.

Oh my word but the splashzone required for a nearly-two-year-old is quite considerably bigger than the splashzone required for an 18 month old. Not to mention the splatzone, for errant paint splats from over-excited manic waving of paintbrushes, and the occasional flung brush.

It took me half an hour to clean up afterwards.

The hands though - they were the easy part! Ben loves washing his hands, we got the worst off in a bowl of water, and then went upstairs so he could stand on his little step in front of the basin to wash them properly with soap. Am very pleased and proud - we went on our playdate afterwards with no trace of paint anywhere on his body.

Except for a very small purple splotch on his cheek.

And orange and green splodges on the seat of his pants. Whoops.

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