Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Made dooliebops at tots this morning.

Thought I'd share the process, so you can create your own daft dooliebop if you want!

For One Daft Doolie you will need...

a smallish, empty, clean yoghurt pot
a couple of squares of coloured tissue paper
double sided tape
ribbon or string
a pipe cleaner
a couple of colourful feathers
a polystyrene ball
a blob of playdough
bobble eyes or stickers for the face
glue, sequins, bits and bobs

Put the blob of playdough in the bottom of the yoghurt pot.

Use double sided tape to help with the next bit - you are going to give the doolie a skirt. I found that the tissue paper would not stay put around the bottom of the yoghurt pot even with ribbon or string, so used bits of tape to keep it in place.

Finish by tying a piece of ribbon around the bottom of the pot. We used labels like this, so we could write each child's name on.

Next! The neck. Fold a piece of pipecleaner in half, hold a feather with it, and twist round and round and round and round until you have a twisted up pipecleaner with mad bits of feather sticking out at all angles.

Keep going until it's much tighter than this :)

Make a hole in the poly ball first, I used a wooden skewer. (If you're doing this in a group make all the holes before you go, don't let kids do it themselves!)

Stick the folded end of the pipecleaner into the poly ball, put a spot of glue on the end first if you want.

Create a face on the ball using stickers or bobble eyes or just pens, you can add hair with wool and glue, arms with another pipecleaner, whatever.

Stick the sharp end of the pipecleaner twist into the playdough.

Cut another feather into 3 bits and stick them into the playdough as well, just because.

Put glue around the edge of the yoghurt pot and stick anything you can find onto it. Lentils, stars, sequins, bits of felt, pasta, rice......

Et voila, one dooliebop!

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