Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Praying for an early baby

At the last antenatal appointment I raised the issue of being induced and what my chances of it happening were.

In a nutshell, diabetic pregnancies, if left to go full term, have a much higher risk of stillbirth and the team understandably would rather not put me or baby at risk.


If baby doesn't decide he wants out early, we'll be induced at probably 38 weeks although the actual "date" will be decided at our final appointment at 36 weeks.

And, as these things go, if we're induced we set off down the slippery slope of medical intervention and the possibility of ending up with a c-section goes up to 50%.

So here's the prayer request - that baby decides that he wants out at 37 weeks!

I want to be able to see the team during and after a normal birth and say that the reason baby is so perfect and healthy and hasn't had to be induced is because God's been involved all the way through. So I've not had the pleasantest of pregnancies but baby doesn't seem to have noticed.

I know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him" and I know that God uses our circumstances to bring about good things.

I've had the best care out of all the pregnant women I'm currently in contact with, mainly because I'm diabetic. But I don't believe that God would just stop there. There's so much opportunity for Him to show His power and grace and love through these circumstances... and I just hope that He decides that a natural birth would be the best way for this!

1 comment:

Jamie Clouting said...

OK Jeni, we're praying for Ents jnr to be born at 37 weeks.

Love Jamie and Debs x