Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Feeling pretty :o)

What a glorious weekend. Glorious in more ways than just the weather! The sickness has passed (praise God, thankyou to all who've prayed, who've encouraged me telling me it will pass - it has!) and I have started to feel more human again. The sun has been shining all week but this weekend the sun has been really warm and the wind has died down.

We had an amazing day on Saturday with Ben and Christine: cooked breakfast, a wander around the farmers' market, quick sortie to the butchers and greengrocers for bits for the barbecue, lunch at the tea rooms (I had a salad - I've not been able to enjoy a salad for weeks so that was a pretty momentous occasion for me!) and a barbecue in the evening. That tuna steak I have been looking forward to for weeks was as good as I hoped. Even managed to make stuffed tomatoes! Haven't had them since barbecues as a child, so I was pleased that the stuffing worked. Ben & Chris left early evening to go off to Portsmouth to see Ben's sister, and Steve and I finished off a beautifully relaxed day.

Sunday was church and we actually got there nearly on time! We'd been invited to one of the elders' houses for lunch so my bag was stuffed with all my diabetes stuff, an emergency cheese sandwich for the short space of time in between church finishing and lunch starting, and all the usual bits and pieces as well. I need a bigger bag. We had a really good time with Rodney and Sue, and Steve and I kept saying afterwards that we didn't think either of us had ever had a better chicken dinner!! That was AMAZINGLY beautiful chicken. We had a good laugh with Rodney and Sue, talking about all sorts of things, relaxed and chilled and happy.

I'd had a headache developing all day sadly and by the time we got home I thought I'll just have a quick nap to see if this headache will go away - my stomach had been churning a bit in accompaniment, but I'm so grateful that God kept it at bay long enough for me to really enjoy the lunch and afternoon. It developed into a full blown migraine, the first I've ever had and hopefully the last I'll ever have. So that meant no tea for me - not that it wasn't for trying. Was upset because it meant we'd missed the last prayer meeting of the week of prayer, and I'd been really hoping to go to it. But, these things happen and I was consigned to bed, wishing that my stomach and head could just go and disconnect themselves from the rest of me.

Monday morning was a trial as a result. I was so hungry I couldn't face food. I couldn't even face the usual biscuits - I'd seriously had enough of them at that point. Eventually I agreed to try some dry weetos, and managed to nibble my way through a cupful of them. Halfway through I decided that a grape or two might be nice, as we had some left over from Saturday. Finally I felt normally hungry again and was able to eat some normal breakfast, but by then it was nearly midday... Thankfully I felt much much better by then and once we'd had a bacon sandwich (which Steve had to go out to buy bacon for!) we started the day properly. Given the difficulty of the morning, we had an amazing day together yesterday! Steve mowed the lawn, and then when it came to putting the washing line back out we discovered it was broken - incredibly we still had the receipt for it so off we toddled to the garden centre and replaced it. And while we were there bought an A-frame garden table/bench thing and various covers for the barbecue and table. And I helped build the table!! Honestly, I really did help! No lifting or anything like that, but I did help and once it was done Steve enjoyed a beer and a cigar while I had a delicious bath to avoid the stink of cigars. And then dinner... mmm. Sweet chilli and roast vegetable sausages from the butchers, with pasta and pesto. Delicious.

For the first time in weeks I have woken up today feeling pretty again :) it's a good feeling! Steve has been complaining that he buys me all these pretty bra's and all I wear is the cheap (and frankly quite comfortable) one that I've had for years... I told him once I start feeling pretty / sexy again I will wear the pretty and sexy bra's he's bought! Hope he notices :) Celebrating by wearing my favourite of the bra's he's bought, and a pretty top and pretty shoes with my jeans. Happy girly today!

I was finally given a folder of music for church on Sunday, so I've got a load of new songs to learn to play hurrah!

Right, off to have more breakfast and to get on with the day. Let's see what time it is today when the switch is flicked and all systems suddenly shut down for the day... :o)

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