Monday, February 11, 2008

It's evolving, I'm telling you.

It's been a while since the last blog, but since then a lot seems to have happened. I made the transition onto insulin the day after the last blog, and have been amazed by how easily my mind has accustomed itself to me stabbing myself twice a day for the insulin. I still hate the finger-pricking blood testing, but that is a necessary evil which I will just have to live with until I die or am healed, whichever happens first.

The babyfever evolved though. After New Year, when we stopped stopping babies from happening, the broodiness changed from the desperation that comes from not being allowed to try at all, to a crazed checking of my belly every morning. Babies were no longer off-limits, small children made me smile instead of cry, and sex had reason again. And then, as suddenly as my hormones went insane, they just vanished. Well, not exactly vanished, but there was suddenly no babyfever, no broodiness. I was me again. It has been a very nice month, thankyouverymuch. No demented hormones dragging me this way and that way and all over the place.

In hindsight I think I was daft to think that this perfect balance would last. It's only half-way through February and already the babyfever has evolved once more with the arrival of my period last month. Now I feel like I will be crushed if my period arrives this month although I'm really trying not to think about it, in the hope that if I don't think about it I won't mind so much. I suspect this isn't going to work though.

Ah well. Raise your glass with me, if you would, if you're not already pregnant that is (although feel free to use a substitute red liquid and join in my toast):

Here's to bunnies.

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