Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pushing on to receive the prize...

Did myself a mischief at the gym last week. I've been having physio for my shoulders, to try and teach them the correct way to exist, and one of the exercises that I did last Thursday hurt while I was doing it. Hurt in a not-good way. Really, I should've stopped and said that I didn't think I should be doing that exercise, but sadly I'm quite proud and refuse to give in when somebody's set me a task like that. Anyway the upshot was that I couldn't go to the gym on Friday due to extreme discomfort, and Saturday and Sunday weren't much better. I was going to go for a class on Monday for some pilates/yoga/stretching thing, but although I can cope with the humiliation of falling over because my sense of balance is sadly lacking, I decided to give it a miss because my usual range of movements in the shoulder/arm department was still way below normal.

I missed going to the gym. I moped all day Monday, and decided that I really needed to go yesterday just to beat the blues. Couldn't do much - did maybe half my programme, and felt absolutely shattered afterwards. Today however, I am feeling so proud of myself. I did a good set. I hate the cross-ramp thing with a passion because it makes me work so hard, and today I nearly gave up halfway through the set. But I pushed on - and discovered that if I push past that "do I give up?" point, I could finish the set and not have to stop feeling sick just before the end!!! I was SO proud of my effort. Then I discovered the changing rooms were "closed" for cleaning - so now what am I supposed to do??! Ah well, might as well complete the programme....

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