Thursday, August 17, 2006

Honesty (continued)

Yesterday's depression and confusion didn't last that long. I cried a bit, and then with the help of Steve we pulled my emotions back under control and I was able to think clearly again.

God has indeed closed a door, but it wasn't him who slammed it in my face as it closed. Steve pointed out that I'd done a lot of things right, which was evidently annoying somebody else. For example, although I'd gone to the interview on Monday thinking "I don't want this job" (for many reasons), by the time I got there I'd decided that was the wrong attitude to go in with and sorted myself out. The interview was great, and afterwards I was repenting massively for my previous attitude and prejudice, and giving the whole situation to God, with the attitude of "it's up to You now, I'm totally open to suggestion for this job".

When I said during the interview that I didn't know what the future held, I was being honest. There isn't anything in the Bible that says we are allowed to lie, or even to lie by omission. Lying is just wrong, full stop. By my being honest, I was able to help that company choose the right person. So maybe I would have been perfect for the job, but they evidently wanted somebody who could commit long-term. And that wasn't me, fair play to them.

There is a company out there who is looking for me - and if I'm able to stay longer than a year, that's great!

Steve also reminded me that God gives us the power to keep our emotions under control. This doesn't mean we put a mask on, or hide them, but it means we are of sound mind and have self-control. Usually I'm able to control my emotional state, but when something like the phonecall from the agency comes (or worse) it has the opporunity to knock you hard, to shake you, and it's impossible in those situations to remain in control. However, we have the power, aided by the Holy Spirit, to bring our emotions back under control, to be able to look at a situation clearly again, and to keep our trust firmly in God.

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