Monday, August 21, 2006

Currency of Time

Funny isn't it. This whole thing about not having a job, not having much money, not having any to spare (particularly odd feeling, that) is currently (well, today at any rate) being balanced out by my sudden realisation that I'm very rich in the old currency of Time.

Today I have been able to finish painting the boxroom and the bathroom, spruced up my myspace account (check it out! jenientwistle) which required me to delve into css style sheets (oooooh), decided what I need to do to a couple of songs (couldn't actually do anything, because it would require certain peripherals to be plugged in - which is Steve's job as Official Techie) and spoken to an old friend who I've not spoken to for a long time. And (evidently) I've found time to blog.

I suspect this particular state of affairs can't really go on for ever - I suspect it will have to change once Steve is back at university and can't go fitting kitchens and things every week; but since I'm in the Here and Now (always a good place to be, I think) I suppose I should really make the most of it.

Requests for paintings or icecream anyone?

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