Tuesday, September 21, 2004


I discovered last night that what I thought I was doing on Saturday (i.e. the Sing with the Halle day) is actually on the Sunday, which means that from 9.30am until probably 1am (yes, 1am, on Monday) I will be in Manchester getting very very tired!!

So if you're reading this, please pray for me that I will not collapse, and that I'll sing fine, and that I'll be able to get to the various places I need to be at on time and in time to not be stressed!

Well here's to Sunday then :o)

Other Stuff

Debbie's leaving in a week! This time next week she will be probably nearly in Australia, and I will already be missing her. :o(

But tonight we'll be having a cup of T and a chat, and it will be our last one for a long time. Hopefully, if my dream actually happens, by the time she comes back to the UK I will be living in Denmark (only for a year) - and she's said she doesn't think she'll be coming back to Manchester anyway....

So this is the end of an era.

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