Tuesday, November 09, 2004

my front room

thought i'd take some photos of our front room, you know, for posterity. the front room has looked specifically like this since october 28th (which, coincidentally, was my birthday). the main point of these photos is to prove to myself in years to come that i really did have a piano in my front room, and my parents really did get all the hints i'd been dropping for several months run-up to my birthday! my dad phoned us at 7.15am on the 28th, saying it might be an idea to get dressed 'cos the piano was currently at the front door on its way out of their house. which meant it would be about 15 minutes before it arrived at my house. sure enough, i'd only just managed to get dressed, when the piano movers turned up at half past seven in the morning, on my day off, on my birthday: the earliest i'd managed to get up all week. but hey! there was a piano on its way into my house! what a cool birthday present.

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