Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Parental Rite of Passage...

... is making a birthday cake for your child.

Ben didn't miss out technically on his first birthday but, as we'd only just moved in to a renovation project and had not yet got an oven, I made him a cake-in-a-cup in the microwave. But I only had olive oil rather than regular sunflower oil, and I think I overcooked it, and the result really could have been used as a (rather large) rubber bullet, to be quite frank. We didn't eat much of it. It didn't even fry very well in copious amounts of butter the next day (that treatment normally makes any kind of stale cake quite eatable, with a lot of double cream, that is).

Still, he had a birthday cake. And all the family were round so it was ok really.

I made him a oneandahalfday cake to make up for my failings as the mother of a one-year-old - it was rather more successful, and took a little more effort.

So this year, I promised myself that I would be a Proper Mummy and make a Proper Birthday Cake.

Which I have done, and am rather proud of it, even if I do say so myself.

It feels like a bit of a parental rite of passage.


@poorparenting said...

Oh it's just BEAUTIFUL!

As someone who's made three wedding cakes I feel I should be planning something spectacular for Lyra's first birthday next month. But as a mother to two under one, I think I might just pick something up in M&S instead as I'm just not sure I have the energy... Is that terrible?

Karin said...

That looks fantastic! :-)