Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Big deep breath...

I've been telling myself for some time that I need to get out more. I really do. I swear I'm going a little bit mad at home by myself all the time, I relish the chance to go to the shops. I've realised that I'm not normally this disorganised (in fact I'm pretty organised, and don't like chaos much) but the disorganisation that makes me have to go to the shops every other day (and going twice in one day because I forget something happens frequently) stems from the fact that I am craving company. I have made some amazing online friends due to the fact that most mornings I will take my cup of tea up to the computer and while away an hour or two, and one online friend in particular I am very grateful to for just being around at the moment, but I still crave company. So I go out to the shops just to have the opportunity to talk to people!

Anyway. I've been telling myself particularly that I should get a part-time job at least so that I have more structure in my life, and I've been procrastinating and putting it off for weeks. Months. BUT! Today I took a Big Deep Breath and when I went into the greengrocers I nearly didn't but then I opened my mouth and asked! It transpires that the lad who owns the place is regularly getting up at 3am (THREE IN THE MORNING!!!) to go to the markets and come down to Steyning and he doesn't live particularly locally, and he's still here at 6 in the evening most days too. I have utter admiration for him, I really do. Anyway I offered my availability and gave him my card (that impressed him with my organised-ness!! ha) and at Easter they're going to have a good look at staffing, and he said he will give me a call. So! Watch this space. I would so love to work there. I am pretty passionate about good food, and the principles they have there are great. All either local or local and organic, or fairtrade wherever possible. Ahhhhh....... here's to Easter!

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